Finally, as a family of five, we arrived home yesterday afternoon. Paul and the boys had been staying in the cities with my parents during my hospital stay with Caleb, so that Paul could be close to me and close to work. It's SOOO good to be home! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your prayers.
I want to include the full hospital stay story in Caleb's birth story, which I hope to write soon. As much as there is to do when you have a newborn, I find it really important to write it out as soon as possible so I don't forget details.
But in the meantime, I'll tell you that Caleb is doing well - nursing, sleeping, and being alert, which is very important for a baby with hyper bilirubin levels (HDFN) so that we know he's doing okay. The bilirubin makes him incredibly tired, so if he was sleeping around the clock, we'd definitely have to take him in.
I take him to the doctor tomorrow morning to get his levels checked again. The NICU docs told us to expect them to have risen. If they are up too high, they will order us a bili "blanket" to use at home. Hopefully nothing more extreme will need to be done unless his levels skyrocket. Until then, please pray that he continues to poop and pee A LOT as that is now the only way the bilirubin can get out of his little system.
Hello world!
1 week ago
Yeah! Praise God!
I'm SOOOO glad to hear that y'all are all home! I'm sure you know this, but putting Caleb in indirect sunlight will help his levels some, too.
Yes, I got the Oreck with the pivoting head. It's awesome!
Ebe, Sara and I had a GREAT visit but it was too short!
Love and blessings,
Just an hour ago, Paul changed Caleb b/c he was wet and poopy. During the diaper change, Caleb pooped again and peed (a lot) twice! My engineer husband took it all in stride!
Great to hear you are home!!! Yeah!! Still praying for dropping bili levels. Hope to see him soon!!
Tina Mickelson
so glad to hear that caleb is home!
Hallelujah and praise the Lord♥
I am just so happy that you are all home together☺
YEAH!!!!! Praying he is a little pooping/peeing machine!
So Glad you are home and everything is well. Get rested and take care of yourself and enjoy your family =)
God is soooo good! I am so glad to hear that he is doing well. Please keep those updates coming. We love them! Prayers and hugs sent your way!
Oh, praise God! I'm so happy to hear he's home with you. How do you ever put him down??
Whoo-hooo so exciting he is home with his sweet family! what a wonderful day!
Claudia had a bilibed at home for a week, she was pretty jaundice after coming 5 weeks early. I know it is different in your situation, but I didn't mind the bed at home at all.
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