Sunday mornings tend to get a little crazy around here. This last year our church went to one service which starts at 9am. That may not seem early to some of you, but for us, it is. And our children don't even sleep in! But 2 adults showering, Paul having to shave, breakfast, nursing the baby, hair and makeup for me (which only takes about 30 minutes and includes me blow-drying my very thick hair), and getting dressed takes enough time that we're usually arriving at church without a minute to spare.
I HATE walking into church late. It doesn't bother me when others walk in late though. Anyhoo, this morning at the last minute, I ended up staying home with Caleb. We couldn't find his shoes despite searching every possible place and it was already so late. I was bummed. After Paul and the boys left, I sat on the couch nursing Caleb and feeling sorry for myself. Normally, I allow my feelings of self-pity to just take over. But this morning, I said no! I prayed and asked God to change my perspective and attitude.
I snuggled Caleb and he fell asleep. Normally he doesn't fall asleep on Sundays until after we've arrived home (around 11:30). He's getting more teeth at the moment though.
When these little things happen, I often struggle with a poor-me attitude. Just ask my husband. After I get over myself, I am so ashamed and wonder how I could ever feel that way. I have SO MUCH! And why? I am no better than anyone else and yet, me and my family have been so richly blessed. It saddens me to think of how people suffer around the world. And here I am, feeling blue over a little inconvenience.
So I going to be memorizing this verse this week. It's one I already know, but I need to know it well enough to rattle it off whenever I start feeling sorry for myself.
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; II Corinthians 10:4-5
And guess what? I found Caleb's shoes right after Paul and the boys left - they were pushed down into the couch cushion. I need to remember that the next time I can't find them.
Hello world!
1 week ago
1 comment:
I got a little chuckle at the end of this post. It was very good!
Thank you for keeping my family in prayer.
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