Yesterday you turned 9 months old, little man. Where has the time gone? You are so sweet even when sick. Unfortunately you are recovering from the flu and a double ear infection, but you are happy regardless. I love this face you make because it emphasizes your dimples.

You are into everything! You love to crawl under the table until you get stuck under the chairs. You also love the blinds on the patio door even though we don't let you play with them if we can help it.

You still love to nurse, but you are very distracted by all that's going on around you. You light up when Daddy arrives home from work or when your brothers play with you. You are definitely a boy - your playing involves lots of banging things, exploring, and moving.

This is your lounging position, though you usually have your top leg crossed over the other. It's very cute! You can pull yourself to standing (or tip toes) but don't do it very often yet. You prefer to sit on your knees. You weigh 18lbs. 3 oz. (2-3 lbs. smaller than your brothers at this age), which makes you seem so little to Mommy.

You are starting to babble a lot. You can play "Pat-a-Cake" and "So Big." You give high fives and now try to kiss. You have quite a bit of hair that's already hanging over your ears and below your collar. I don't want to cut it yet, but I also don't want people thinking you're a girl. You're eating some food, though you like it best when it's in little pieces on your tray. You make the funniest faces when I try to feed you baby food on a spoon.
You are such a blessing! We love you Caleb and are so thankful you're a part of our family!
He's so beautiful Rachel! Look at those gorgeous eyes!!
What a HONEY! Thanks for posting these! I hope you're all feeling better soon.
That outfit looks so comfy! Logan is almost as big as Caleb at somewhere around 17 pounds.
I love looking at your Caleb posts! 9 months already...
What a handsome little boy he is!! Gosh I can't believe how fast he's grown up and he is just simply adorable. Thanks for sharing these pics, really enjoyed them :)
Wow, Rachel... he is so adorable... can't believe he has been here 9 months. What a precious gift... thinking of you!
Wow. 9 months!!! What a gift and a joy. He has beautiful eyes!
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