Admiring the new bee "barn" Paul and my Dad built for our bees (which have not arrived yet....hopefully today!)

Swinging in a new swing from Gramma and Papa

Tending to the new chickens and hoping they start laying soon

Playing outside and catching minnows in the ditch

Getting dirty in the sandbox

Napping on the couch

Dressing up as a doctor

Taking swimming lessons

Hanging out at swimming lessons

Learning to trust his swim teacher
Oh my goodness, a bee barn?! That sounds crazy and delightful! : )
Chris would love that b/c he loves honey. Me, well, I'd be terrified. Bees scare me. ; )
Your kids look like they're happy to see spring again. I'm sure you are too!
oh, and I just have to say AGAIN that I love the washcloths you sent. They are fantastic!! I have to laugh at all those bounty absorbent commercials b/c your knitted ones are so much better.
Hahaha! The doctor picture just cracks me up!! He looks very respectable, *I'd* go see him! =]
Rachel, I think for some reason everytime I came to your blog it was only showing 2010's posts... so I finally got caught up now... I can be so computer illiterate not to just look down at the archives to see you HAD actually posted:) UGH! Hearing about Caleb being one makes me sad at the 2 months that have already passed with Levi... it is going WAY TO FAST... but we are loving every second of it:)
So glad to see and hear how you are doing:)
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