Thursday, January 8, 2009

You Know You're a Country Bumpkin . . .

  • if your after Christmas shopping includes buying seeds for your garden so you can start them indoors in February.
  • if you get excited when you see the grader smoothing down your bumpy dirt road.
  • if you get excited when you see the grader, then get frustrated because you're stuck behind it and it moves so slooowwwly!
  • if you refer to your property as "the farm" or "the ranch."
  • if you're neighbors are excited about the fainting goats they've just ordered.
  • if you jokingly refer to the tractor parked under your deck as your husband's girlfriend.
  • if your six year old is excited about winter so he can sled down the mound. . . the septic mound.
  • if you have hundreds of unwelcomed guests every fall (i.e. Asian beetles and box elder bugs).
  • if your husband buys cows so he won't have to mow the grass.
  • if you can't sleep because there's a great horned owl in search of a good time perched on your roof.
  • if you see stray coyotes in your yard rather than stray dogs.
  • if you see mice wander into your garage in broad daylight, while you're standing 15 feet away.
  • if you're glad to see your neighbor's cat pooping in your yard because you know it'll also be catching some of those arrogant mice.
  • if the sound of the spring peepers is enchanting.
  • if you know what spring peepers are.
  • if you get excited in the spring when you start seeing baby pheasants in the yard.
  • if you find woodticks on your children's toys out in the yard.
  • if you can't run through the sprinkler because the well water is SOOO cold!

The other woman

Before the weeds took over

Moving the cows

The stare down and the moment I considered them "hamburger on hooves" rather than Bossy, Clarabelle, and Buttercup. Two seconds after this photo was taken one of them charged my baby, though Paul insists it was just show. Thankfully, Elijah was unharmed (Paul was in the pen with them for those of you concerned and ready to call CPS). Paul will continue to support my blogging habit as long as I don't remove this picture from my blog header.

Our big backyard
The group of trees at the top right of the photo is referred to as "the tree island"

Country living is growing on me!


Kim said...

Oooh, can I have your garden? I'm thinking about how I can have a garden this year, but I'm such a newbie, I don't even know where to start.

Rachel said...

You can certainly come and help! It's impossible to weed! I'm actually thinking about inviting friends (who want fresh organic veggies) to come over and pick their own for a small fee. Kids love picking their own peas and green beans and often they eat them b/f we even get in the house. We just can't eat all of it and a lot of it can't be canned (which we haven't done yet anyway).

Heather of the EO said...

I grew up a country girl. Looking at these pictures feels like home to me.

Love your idea about inviting friends for fresh organic food for a small fee. People would LOVE it. I know I would.

The Three 22nds said...

Cute. I would really like some land. Maybe someday.

Rebecca said...

That totally reminds me of home and how I envisioned raising my brood....obviously that is not the case, but we try and make do with what we have! My back yard is full of gardens, but nothing like your veggie garden...SO jealous! My dad (ex farm boy now living in the city) is going to build me a greenhouse so that I can start all of my plants from seed and can have room to start all of my tubers....I don't know who is more excited!!! My kids love gardening, it's such a treat for them to go pick "supper" in the summer!:)