Thursday, April 22, 2010

Three Months Old on Earth Day

I can't believe just three months ago, this sweet babe was born. It feels like he's always been a part of our family. We are so blessed!

After reading on the calendar that today was Earth Day, Caleb picked this oufit to wear. (I tell ya, homeschooling sure makes 'em smart awfully young!) I bought it at a thrift store. How green is that? Caleb did his part too - after taking these photos, he promptly spit-up all over himself.

It's his version of recycling.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Paul and I (and Caleb, of course) returned home yesterday from vacation.

Okay, so it was really a homeschool conference. But seeing as how I didn't have to do any cooking or cleaning, and I was able to put on a facial mask one evening and take a bonus shower another, it was like a vacation. With a lot of educational overstimulation thrown in. And a lot of walking.

M.A.C.H.E. stands for Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators and every year they have a conference full of speakers and educational vendors. This year it was held in Rochester, home of the world famous Mayo Clinic.

This was our second year attending and my third year of teaching Ethan at home. (For those who didn't know, I have a B.A. in Elementary Education, but I don't believe that's necessary to teach one's children well at home.) This is a journey we have embarked on for a variety of reasons and overall, it has been a good journey. After attending the conference this year, I am encouraged and excited to continue this journey of home education.

There are so many methods and curriculum that one can choose from. Last year we were pretty overwhelmed with the whole conference. This year we were a bit more prepared. Carrying Caleb in the sling the whole time was tiring, but so much nicer than last year when my arms were empty and there were so many babies and pregnant women all around. This year I was able to smile at the babies and admire the bellies, without any pain. There's still sadness, but not physical pain.

It was fun seeing lots of friends I don't often see. We saw and chatted with MckMama and her husband. She said I was only the third stalker, I mean, blogger to come up to her. I also talked to the first boy I ever kissed (for the record, I now advocate waiting until marriage to kiss!) and Candy McVikkar, the founder of MissingGrace, an amazing local organization. Then I was spotted by a blog reader, which has never happened before and was kind of bizarre. I think her name was Deidra but my post-pregnancy brain could be failing me yet again. (Nice to meet you!)

Anyhoo, it was a fun weekend. I'm blessed that Paul enjoys going to these conferences as well and is my biggest encourager when it comes to homeschooling. Not to mention, he doesn't mind spending money on things that are "educational." Now to find the time to organize all our purchases.....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Some of you may remember this funny post.

Well, Ethan took that event and wrote a mostly true story for school. Then using a product called Illustory he had it published.

All 6 copies arrived in the mail today and we are thrilled with the results.

I will treasure our copy; it's even signed by the author.

And as a bonus, feast your eyes on the cute baby:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's So Easy....

to get caught up in my own troubles of the day. Things like our mailbox being knocked down by hoodlums in the night (ah, country life!) and our fairly new washing machine getting plugged up by something and not draining.

It's easy to get overwhelmed by so many things. For me, they are usually the little things. Things that may be difficult in the moment, but in the long run are of little consequence. I can get really stressed by these things (and I usually do), but slowly I'm learning to let go of them and live in the moment.

Moments where Elijah, instead of throwing a fit, is snuggly and wants to read a story or says something that is funny. Moments where Caleb stops nursing to gaze into my eyes and then smiles a two-dimpled smile. Moments when Ethan and I can do something together like play a game or watch on youtube video about something we're studying in school. Moments where Paul and I can talk and feel really connected to one another.

Today I ache for a friend who's home got struck by lightning either in the night or early this morning. Thankfully her neighbor saw the fire, alerted them, and they got out alright. I ache for her as she has faced similar life struggles as I have, and yet, she continues to smile, laugh, and be a blessing to others. Today I will wring out the cloth diapers by hand and be thankful that I have a home. I will hug my boys and let them know I love them. I will pray for my friend and hope that I can help her in some way.

Monday, April 5, 2010

My Three Sons

Ethan (7.5): Inventive, creative, imaginative, lover of books and building things. Generous, helper, loves holding and snuggling Caleb, good at memorizing, stubborn, good student, has the skinniest legs, affectionately called "Blonde Boy," loves macaroni and cheese, and enjoys playing with friends and spending time with family.

Elijah (3.5): feisty, distracted, whiny, quite the snuggler, entertaining, bouncy, wild, quiet until he feels comfortable with you and then will talk your ear off, covers his nose whenever he's sitting on the toilet, lover of toast with peanut butter and honey, and very blunt.
(This face is not a naughty face but a face that we have coined Elijah's "Klingon Face" despite him having no idea what a klingon is!)

Caleb (10.5 weeks): easygoing, mellow, falls asleep anywhere, loves to nurse and sleep with Mommy and Daddy, smiley and happy as long as his tummy is full and his diaper is clean, and loved by all.

These are my three (earthly) sons and I am very blessed!