Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Some of you may remember this funny post.

Well, Ethan took that event and wrote a mostly true story for school. Then using a product called Illustory he had it published.

All 6 copies arrived in the mail today and we are thrilled with the results.

I will treasure our copy; it's even signed by the author.

And as a bonus, feast your eyes on the cute baby:


Molly said...

What a great idea! I'll have to keep this in my back pocket. I've been lacking in the creative writing area of our school day. Cute!
And oh, my! What a darling, chubby cheeked baby you have!

Tonya said...

What a treasure you have in that book and also in that darling baby! I could eat up those cheeks!

Ebe said...

This is so precious! I love it. And Caleb... such a cutie!

Bethany said...

What an adorable picture of Caleb!