You see, through blogging I have "met" some of the most amazing women. Women who like me, are suffering through the loss of their baby. Most of them are still in the first six months of their grief, just like me. They live in places like Michigan, Maine, Oklahoma, Oregon, California, and even right here in Minnesota. They have become close friends through phone calls, conversations on Facebook, and the comments we write back and forth on each other's blogs. Many of them share my faith and all of them share my pain.
My dream is to get together with all these women for a long weekend. I envision this happening at my home. I would lovingly kick my husband and kids out for the weekend and welcome each of these women with a hug as they arrive. They'd each bring the necessities: a box of kleenex, their favorite comfort food, and pictures and mementos of their child. We'd spend the weekend crying, sharing, comforting, eating, praying and hopefully laughing some too. We would talk about our children and our lives. We'd share feelings that we haven't been able to voice to those who are not grieving. We would rejoice in our children's happiness and wholeness in Heaven, despite our constantly missing them. We'd all walk away from the weekend feeling tired, but refreshed and renewed, knowing that the friendships we had cemented would last forever. We'd know that despite how life changes and how many years go by we'd always have a connection.
This is my dream. What do you think gals?
Oh, and don't forget to bring clothes you can paint in. Just kidding.
Sort of.

i know, for me, being with others who have experienced my same "fiery trials" gives a peace and a healing unlike anything else. sometimes just being able to laugh about things that others just wouldn't understand is such a relief...
i am not "one of you"... but i'd certainly be thinking of you and praying for you all through the whole weekend♥
I think that sounds like a great idea. My only problem is that I'm stuck on my couch and bed for many months to come:} I'm having withdrawals from
I'll come. And I'll bring salsa, and chocolate cake, and the pictures that I've never shown to anyone.
I'll also bring a shirtless man with a foreign accent to do the painting for us. Just kidding. That would be inappropriate. kind of.
Sounds like a great idea! The logistics might be difficult... but it would be worth a shot. It is so nice to be with others who really get it and can relate. Praying for you!
Hey Rachel, if there is one thing I can do well, it is cook for a crowd and blend into the background. If you want to make it happen, let me know, and I'll do what I can to help you. Sometimes a dream is what gets us through grief, what ever form it may be.
I love the idea, Rachel! Count me in! I can't imagine what it would be like to be in the company of other mothers who "get it."
That sounds great!
If only Georgia was closer to Minnesota.
I have been to a few retreats like that sponsered by Missing GRACE and it is just an AMAZING experience. They have on in Lutsen every year and it is just a time to be.... there is a conference April 25th in Maple Grove, there is always amazing speakers. It is where a lot of my healing began, that that conference, with other mothers. Much love!
I've had that dream, too. I think it would be awesome. Maybe God will make it happen!!
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