Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pregnancy after Baby Loss

I cried myself to sleep last night, something that hasn't happened in awhile. I also cried yesterday morning while exercising. I love the idea of a new baby, but I miss Felicity so much. Her absence is still felt and will always be felt, despite another baby on the way.

I read a couple of amazing posts the other day about pregnancy after baby loss. They truly moved me and I wanted to share them with my readers, regardless of whether you've lost a baby or whether or not you're pregnant after losing a baby. I especially encourage those of you wanting to be pregnant after having lost the most precious thing in the world, your child, to read these. For those of you not in my "ugly shoes," these posts may help you understand how I feel. Sometimes there are things I'd love to try to write, but just can't find the emotional energy to do so. These women did it for me:



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