(Read the following post with a southern accent)
We're still "on vacation" and so far it's been a good trip. The kids handled the two day van ride well, thanks to the DVD player we bought at Circuit City on our way. So what if they watched more videos in those two days than they normally watch in three or four weeks at home. In fact, they watched pretty much everything we brought, which means they'll be watching the same videos on the way home.
We arrived in KY on Saturday evening and stayed at the Marriott, thanks to my dad's points he earns while traveling. So we had a $200/night room and it was nice. We spent a lot of the time there telling the boys not to touch this and that. We spent Sunday and today at the Creation Museum, which has been fun. If you haven't checked it out and live nearby (Petersburg, KY right near Cincinnati), I strongly recommend it! It's great for all ages. We're not sure what we'll do tomorrow, but the plan is to stay here tomorrow night before beginning the two day journey home.
Despite the distractions, I can't seem to let go and totally enjoy myself. Everything is a reminder of Felicity's death. We wouldn't be taking this trip if she hadn't died. Yesterday my body started to gear up to the fact that today was Monday, the three week anniversary of her birth/death. Then I start replaying the events of that horrible day and I just can't believe this is my life. I plan on posting Felicity's story in the near future. In my search for other moms who have lost a baby, I need to read their stories of loss in order to connect to them and so I want that to be available to others who find themselves in this horrible life journey.
Tomorrow is my 32nd birthday and I'm not posting this info. to get a bunch of bday well wishes (thanks Billi Jo for being the first!). I just can't believe another bday is here and that life is continuing to go on without me. That's the way I feel. I feel so stuck in my pain! Everyday we've been gone, I've had to pull out a couple of pictures of Felicity that I brought and stare at them. I miss her so much! My milk is letting down right now, just thinking about her. (Elijah is still nursing, which has been mostly a blessing.)
On a funnier note, doing the hotel thing with a very active two year old, is quite the adventure. We're in a Holiday Inn right now and Elijah seems to think the bathroom is his personal office. He keeps going in the bathroom and sitting on the floor with his magna doodle. At least until I realized that he could lock himself in. He seems fairly satisfied with my Caboodles (yes, I grew up during the 80s) propping open the door. He mocks me by saying "careful, careful, careful!" as he climbs over it to get inside the bathroom.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
5 days ago
Happy Birthday, and did you say Caboodles? Like plural? You have more than one and you brought both? Now I totally wonder if my (plural) Caboodles are under the vanity at my dad's (now sister's) house. I'm totally checking the next time I am there. Flashback.
Still plenty of prayer going out for you. I'll be praying that you allow yourself to be blessed on this trip.
And as you are reading blogs and finding people who understand your pain, google Bring the Rain, Angie Smith's blog. (If you have not found it already.) Her husband sings in Selah. Their story is slightly different, but I'm sure her words would speak to your heart.
Happy Birthday!
I always wanted a caboodle. Never got one. That and a pair of super cool Umbro shorts.
We're not sure what we'll do tomorrow...
Perhaps you should spend the day reading a science book so some actual science might enter your head for a change.
I hope you guys are getting some good family time together! And happy birthday! My birthday was also a couple of weeks after Matthias died, and needless to say it was hard to feel like celebrating anything. My thoughts and prayers are still with you! Blessings.
Hey Anon, get a life. I mean that in the nicest way possible.
Even if you're right, which you're not, that's rude. After all that's been going on, on Rachel's birthday. Get a life.
As to science, the scientific method has little to do with origins since it's not something you can repeat and observe. Naturalist/Darwinist origins have the same problem Creation origins have -> none of it can be proven through test, but it all came from somewhere.
Ex Nihilo. Out of Nothing. Even if you're a evilutionist/naturalist.
BTW, happy birthday Rachel!
Thanks N for your defense of creation and of me! I know who you are, but shall keep your now superhero status a secret!
You had me questioning the pronounciation of my ONE Caboodle(s) It really is too small and while two might suffice, my husband would tease me mercilessly. Maybe I'll upgrade someday. When you look to see if you still own yours, you'll notice that it does say "caboodles" on the front. And for as old as it is, I'd say mine is still in mint condition!
It was a good birthday. Thanks y'all!
Rats, I missed your birthday by 57 minutes. Belated Birthday wishes will just have to do. I'm so glad you are on vacation, and the southern border states are a good place to celebrate your birthday. We lived in KY for 8 years. Nice weather there. But the Lord impressed upon me once, that He wasn't sending me to KY for the weather. We got a wonderful son in law out of the move and now 5 amazing grandchildren as a result. So you never know what hidden blessings may greet you on this trip. I'm glad you are taking time to laugh, to write, to travel, and to mourn. Seeing the sun come up in the morning, and your little guy sitting on the bathroom floor, are comfort. I think of you always, and Felicity's soft face is ever before me. Drive safe and come back to many who love you in MN. MCD
Rachel, once I posted my comment I started to wonder if I was wrong and if I just didn't remember that the brand truely was Caboodles. I was too tired to google it at that point!
It's me......your crappy friend who let herself get too busy yesterday to wish you a Happy Birthday ON TIME. I had a card ready to mail earlier and at the last minute decided that you needed more than a card. You should get something shortly. Spread out the birthday celebration....that's what I say. Even though I was gone most of the day and listening to a life insurance presentation in the evening (oh, joy), I was praying that you would be granted extra peace and comfort on your big day.
Sorry I'm a shmuck.
And hey, you've already hit it big time in Bloggyland! They say you're not truly great until you have an anonymous "troll" or something making rude and not even slightly witty comments on your post. Congratulations girl!!!
Happy Belated Birthday, Rachel! I even had it on my calandar but then neglected to tell you on the actual day!
-Julie E
Happy Belated Birthday, Rachel! I even had it on my calandar but then neglected to tell you on the actual day!
-Julie E
Man, I must be tired...I actually DO know how to spell CALENDAR, and then I posted my error TWICE. Agh...and you being a teacher, and all....I better go to bed!
-Julie E again
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