We are so sad to announce the birth and death of our precious baby girl:
Felicity Faith
9 lbs, 15.3 oz and 21.5 inches long
She was born not breathing yesterday morning after an intense two hour labor. Her umbilical was knotted and despite heroic efforts by our midwife and emergency crew and a transfer to the hospital, it was determined that she went to be with Jesus before she ever entered this world.
We desperately need all your prayers right now! We are so thankful to the Lord for our little girl and wish that we could be holding her right now. Please pray for the boys; Ethan especially as this is obviously going to be much harder on him. They both had the opportunity to see their sister and hold her and we know that she would've been so loved by them! We are planning a memorial service to remember our daughter by and need prayers to complete this difficult but important task.
I long to remember my baby and everything about her! She had a head full of dark hair and sweet facial features, resembling Elijah so much. She had my long toes and beautiful fingers that curled around my finger so perfectly. She had chubby thighs and the softest skin. Her fingernails and toenails were incredibly long and at birth she was covered in vernix. She had beautiful rosebud lips that I will miss everyday the opportunity to kiss!
Thank you to those of you who have already reached out to us with loving words and thoughts and especially those of you who have shared that you have experience similar pain. I will be drawing on you in the future as we try to grieve and process all we are feeling. I never imagine or felt pain so great as what we are feeling right now!
Please love your children with all your heart. Hold them close in all things. Love your spouse and don't miss one opportunity to tell him/her you love them. Don't let petty thing separate you. And above all, call out to God in all your struggles as we are doing now. Let Him be your Comforter and Guide.
I find great peace in knowing that Felicity is being held in the arms of Jesus right now and that she is so happy to be in the Light of His Glory and Grace!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
5 days ago
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers... extra amounts of peace through this time. Much Love...
I am not super great with words and don't feel like I have much wisdom especially about this... but I do want to say something I don't know if I ever told you. You were an amazing youth sponsor. I loved your notes of encouragement (I think I still have them) and that you took the time to talk to me even though I wasn't a kid with "problems." I always felt like the people with "big" problems got special treatment..but you cared about everyone of us junior highers. You have blessed my life in so many ways...and when I work with youth I always think about you!
I will be praying for you and your family during this trying time. May you rest in HIM.
I love you guys! I am soo very sorry, we will all miss her dearly!
Tears. So many tears. I can’t believe how much grief I feel over your loss. Although not full-term, but born into God’s arms just the same, I share in your loss and I know some of the pain, confusion, questions, disappointment and anxiety you feel. Thank you so much for sharing Felicity with us and the brief moment you shared with your precious little girl. Stay grounded in Christ, He will help you through all of the ups and downs. Grieve. Love. And Remember. Know you are continually in our prayers.
Oh Rachel, I am grieving with you right now. What a perfect, precious little soul you carried. I can't wait to meet Felicity in the world to come. My heart and prayers go out for you and your family. May God give you shalom -- peace, and strength during this most difficult time.
Tonya Johnson
Still thinking of you this morning...still praying for you all...
I am so sorry! I have never been to your blog before and found it just today...so that I could pray for you, my bloggy friend. May God heal your hearts. When you are ready, read "Grieving the Child I Never Knew". It is a devotional. It may be some time before you want to look at it.
Also, may these bring you some comfort:
((Hugs)) to you.
Dawn Shelton
I am praying for you, as you grieve your sweet precious Felicity. This must be the hardest trial God gives to anyone.
I don't know you (I don't think... you DO look a little familiar, and I do live in MN), but you're on my heart heavily nonetheless.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, may He lift up his countenance upon you and give you Peace.
I am very, very sorry for your loss. I am hurting with you and praying for your family.
I am going to go out on a limb and offer a suggestion, but please ignore this if you are not comfortable with the idea. When our son was stillborn I found having milk for many months to be exceedingly painful. Especially in restaurants and other places where babies would cry and cause my milk to come down. Years later I learned that there are actually milk "banks" out there. I could have pumped my milk and used it to help someone else- ie an adopted child, a baby whose mother died in childbirth or whose mother could not produce milk for whatever reason... I continually wished that I could see some good, any good, in our baby's death. I was far too distraught to try and imagine the good that could come of it years down the road. I think donating our son's milk to a milk bank would have given me a bit of comfort. Knowing that another baby was growing healthy and strong by my milk would have meant a lot to me. But I know this is not something for everyone. Please don't think I'm pressuring you to do anything with which you're uncomfortable.
Bathe yourself in scripture. Rest in the Psalms. He will bring comfort and even joy. Felicity will always have a very special place in your heart which no amount of passing years will take away. I'm sorry I can't give you a big hug right now.
I am so very very sorry! You are in my prayers!!
Sabrina's friend
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