Saturday, December 20, 2008

We Need Input!!! Please Help!!!

This is ridiculous, I know, but we need your input. My Christmas present this year was knobs and pulls for all of our cabinets and drawers in our kitchen, upstairs bathrooms, and the wet bar downstairs. Paul and I can't agree on where the knobs should go on the above pantry door. I won't tell you our individual preferences as I'm sure that would sway the vote (since this is MY blog and my friends most likely all have the same preference as me.)

Above is one position in which the knobs could be placed, making them about hand-level.

Here is the other option, up at the top of the cupboard door at about chest level, which is where we've been reaching for the past almost two years to open this door.
Please leave a comment below telling us your preference for our knobs' future home. And gals, if you're husband is around, get his vote too, as Paul thinks I'll win if it's all women voting.
If you've never left a blog comment, just type it and then scroll down and click anonymous (you may also have to type a security word). Please leave your name so that I can bar you from reading my blog if you didn't agree with my preference. For fun if you want to, tell me what you think my preference is and what Paul's preference is and why.


my3sons said...

I vote for waist level....

joolee said...

ditto.......but knobs are so overrated.

Anonymous said...

I vote chest level. I think it looks good and if you've been reaching there for a while, that habit will be hard to change.

Anonymous said...

Rachel - I vote for waist level - but as you know I'm not very tall. However, what will be in the cupboard and can Elijah reach if they are higher? Just something to think about -- hope you don't ban me. Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!

Aunt Lori
P.S. what was your vote?

Anonymous said...

My vote (and husbands)is the one up on the top (chest level)'re already used to reaching there anyway. Good luck! I'm now curious where they will go. I'm going to guess you wanted them chest...when do we find out the results?
Holly Engelmann

Anonymous said...

Okay, your dad says in the middle.
I think I agree with him but I really am unsure. My pantry door knob is hand level and it would seem odd to have it higher. So that's 2 votes for in the middle.
Why don't you keep the peace and do both?? His and her pantry knobs... which ever set wears out first was the right choice!
Love, Mom F.

The Three 22nds said...

Noah says you can never have too many, put them both on.

I say, put them wherever the kids can't reach them. Only, if your kids are like mine no knobs with in reach won't stop them...

Anonymous said...

waist level is our vote. I'm voting for Jeremy too as ours are at waist level on our pantry cupboard. We're not really trend setters or anything though!!

Good luck!