Thursday, April 23, 2009

Written in Stone

We're happy Felicity's headstone is finally here, but we'd rather have her!


Ebe said...

It's beautiful.

I wish she was here too.

Jennifer Ross said...

Very pretty stone, just like Felicity!

Sara said...

I love it Rachel. It is really nice. Praying for you right now as my heart is heavy and missing my boy.

Heidi said...

Man that is so surreal to look at. You are a brave woman!


My mom opened her pool this week..put us down for the week after Memorial Day! (It's heated, don't worry!)

Kim said...

Oh Rachel, how that makes my heart ache for all of you. I remember seeing my mom's stone for the first time. I just sat rubbing my hands over that smooth granite for a long time, as though it was just another part of her I needed to memorize. Hugs.

Diane Shiffer said...

what a moment that must have been when you first saw that stone...

it is lovely♥

Tonya said...

Dear Rachel,

I wish you had Felicity here with you too! However, her headstone is beautiful!

I am so sorry that you could relate so well to my last post. I'm also sorry to say that I've been choosing to survive lately, too. Today is no different. I'm not sure what has happened, but Satan is having a hay-day with me, and I'm ready to kick him to the curb!

I loved reading your "plan of attack"! Maybe when I'm feeling a little better I can copy some of yours and make one of my own. I don't feel like I have enough "positiveness" in me right now, though.

How was your conference? I'll be praying for you in the coming days, especially on Saturday....
