Today is my hubby's and my third anniversary! WOW! I can't believe all that's happened in just three short years! GOD IS AMAZING in how he has transformed my life in the past 6 1/2 years!
For those who didn't know, 6 1/2 years ago while pregnant with my son, my first husband decided he no longer wanted to be married to me, after about 3 1/2 years of marriage. This was the most difficult time in my life and I only survived emotionally because God was gently leading me. The Biblical meaning of my name is "Little Lamb" and the verse that goes along with that is Isaiah 40:11, "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." This verse really hit home for me when I was pregnant and going through a divorce. I had the wonderful support of both family and friends during my struggles.
After Ethan was about 6 months old, I also found great support from a group called Single Again at a local church. That is where I met Paul. Now Single Again is a support group, not a place to meet other singles. Nothing at all happened between Paul and I until Ethan was over 2 years old and my divorce had long been finalized. It was great to be able to have known him purely on a platonic level for quite some time before we began dating.
Once we began dating, we quickly establish physical boundaries, pledging not to kiss on the lips. Temptation was strong, but we prevailed and shared our first kiss on our wedding day atop a scenic overlook in southeastern MN. It was glorious and since then have shared a wonderful intimacy, known only between us, despite our pasts.
While marriage has not ever been "easy," especially with the blending of a family, God has truly blessed us. Since Ethan's biological father lives 700 miles away and only sees him 1-2x/year, Paul has become Ethan's Daddy, a role they both readily accepted and it is so amazing to see their relationship blossom. Ethan only ever remembers life with "his Daddy." Our plan to wait to have more children for at least a couple years, was wonderfully spoiled with the news we were expecting a baby just 3 1/2 months after our wedding day. Pregnancy was a hard time for us all, as I was quite sick and we all were still adjusting. Elijah arrived just a few weeks shy of our first anniversary.
Now a third baby is due anytime, possibly today on our anniversary. What a wonderful gift that would be! God truly works good for them who are called according to his purpose. Thank you Paul for being such a wonderful husband, despite all my obvious and usually overwhelming faults. I love you like I love no one else and I pledge to love you until the end of my days. Thank you for loving our children like a daddy should and sacrificing daily for the benefit of your family!!!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
3 days ago
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